pp108 : Process Platform Application Package

Process Platform Application Package

This topic provides an overview of Process Platform Application Package.

Applications can be built on Process Platform and comprise various artifacts such as business process models, forms, schemas, Web services, metadata and so on, which define its business logic essential to build enterprise application. These applications can be packaged and can be deployed in other systems for reuse. The packaging formats for applications deployed on Process Platform are Independent Software Vendor Package (ISVP) and Process Platform Application Package (CAP). While the ISVP format, due to its drawbacks, has been deprecated and CAP with enhanced packaging capabilities is introduced.

Packaging applications using the CAP format has several benefits as listed below:

  • Support for cluster-wide deployment
    A Process Platform installation typically consists of multiple systems, together forming a cluster. You can now deploy your packages on the cluster at one go. That is, you need not deploy on each and individual node in the cluster separately.
  • Support for recommencement of deployment on failure
    CAP keeps track of the status of each artifact and in case of any failure reports it. After the correction is made, the deployment continues right from where it stopped, thus reducing time and resource overheads.
  • Refined upgrade/deployment process
    CAP keeps record of each artifact deployment. It knows, for each artifact, whether an application has to be deployed on each node or not. It compares the artifacts in the CAP file with the deployed artifacts, and loads only those artifacts that are new or changed.
  • Impact analysis of the deployment
    CAP provides a detailed analysis of the impact an application deployment has on the existing system. It provides a detailed report for each artifact and operation to be performed.
  • Improved log file content
    CAP log files clearly indicate the phase of the deployment or upgrade and list the relevant information in a way that is useful for administrators.